Al-’Asr 103: (1-3)

1. By Al-'Asr (the time).

2. Verily! Man is in loss,

3. Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma'ruf)which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar)which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism or Jihad, etc.).

Demi Masa!

Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian –

Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar.

My Note

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone..

I build this blog to actually collect all the beneficial information I manage to find from the internet, the books and articles I read, as reminders and references to me. I also hope that this blog would be beneficial to others too in seeking answers to varieties of questions they have about life in Islamic Perspective. I have both English and Malay Languages entries here to share with everyone. May Allah bless us all. Amiinn...



Prayer Times For 6 Million Cities Worldwide

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Conversing With Your Lord - Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem

Assalamualaikum...... Today I would like to share a very beneficial talk by Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem. In this talk, Sheikh Assim touches on the importance of our 5 times daily prayers. Several important points in the talk are as follow: 1. If a Muslim man or woman does not carry out his/her obligatory duty in completing the 5 times daily prayers as good as possible, they are lacking in so many ways in being a Muslim. 2. The khalimah Allahu Akhbar! which you say during the prayer is so meaningful. This is because it means ALLAH IS THE GREATEST. The greatest in what sense? IT MEANS ALLAH IS THE GREATEST OF ALL. HE is the greatest than the problems we have in life, HE is the greatest in all the worries we have in life, HE is the greatest than all the fears we have in life, HE is the greatest than the people that try to discriminate us and many more. So, while saying these word in our prayers, let us remember that nothing is greater than Allah in this world and in the here after. When we do this, In shaa Allah, we could concentrate more in our prayers and we become calmer in facing the burdens that we have in life. Do listen further to this beautiful talk as it gives a lot of information on the meaning and benefits of praying 5 times a day in Islam. An introduction of the speaker: Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem is one of the prominent propagators of Islam in English in Saudi Arabia. He is a Saudi national, born on 23 Nov,1962 and residing in Jeddah - K.S.A He got his B.A in linguistics from King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah on 1987, and later on he had a High diploma in Islamic studies from Umm Al Qura University in Makkah. 1998 Apart of hid Da'wah activities, Sheikh. Assim started his Work Experience on1988 by working as an English teacher in High school, and then changed his career into took different positions in the field of Human Resources & Public Relations. He is working now as HR & PR Director at one of the leading companies in Saudi Arabia in the fields of rock cutting, earth moving and mining. Taken from:

Thursday, December 6, 2012



Hope that everyone is in the blessings of Allah everyday and every second. I know I have not been writing much but I never forget about my readers here. Today, I just wanna share my own personal experience reciting Surah Al Kahfi. A few years ago, I was really in a very devastated condition and was missing someone dearly to me so much. Then, I read Surah Al Kahfi without knowing of the benefits reading it at that time. What I knew, reading Al Quran would give calmness in one's sadness and worries. So, I read the surah and I did not know why my tears just could not stop. I cried endlessly as I read it. Immediately after I finished reciting the surah, I prayed to Allah..... And..... With Allah's mercy as well as miracle, the next day Allah sent to me the person that I missed so much, without me expected it! Alhamdulillah, my sadness was healed. So, dear friends and family.... Try it. Whenever you have the time and when you are in need of assistance as well as calmness...... Do recite Al Quran. In Shaa Allah, Allah's assistance would come to you in many unexpected ways. :)

Below you could watch the videos on the recitation of Surah Al Kahfi and some additional info about the surah.

1. Let us read or listen to Surah Al Kahfi :

2. Why Surah Al KAhfi was sent to Prophet Muhammad SAW? Let us look at the explanation below: 3. Life's management based on Surah Al-Kahfi- Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Jangan Menitiskan Air Mata Kerana Video Ini 2


Telah lama diri ini tidak menulis pada ruangan yang amat dekat di hati ini. Terlalu banyak benda yang harus diselesaikan juga diusahakan sehingga teralpa dalam mengisi ruangan blog yang amat berharga ini.

Kali ini, ingin dikongsi video daripada Dr. Asri berkenaan Doa dan Taubat. Allah itu Maha Pengampun Lagi Maha Mengasihani. Tiada apa yang mustahil di sisiNYA. Selagi nyawa dikandung badan, teruskanlah bertaubat dan berdoa ke hadratNYA. Insya Allah..... Allah Maha Mendengar Lagi Maha Melihat akan usaha setiap hambaNYA. Yakinlah bahawa taubat kita diterima Allah SWT....... Yakinlah yang doa-doa kita akan dimakbulkan Allah. Segala-galanya dalam hati dan pemikiran kita...... Teruslah memohon dan bertaubat...... Teruskanlah......

Thursday, June 28, 2012



Lagu ini berkenaan seorang insan yang tercari-cari jalan untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan dan jalan yang diredhai Allah secara hakiki....
Semoga kita sentiasa menerima hidayah Allah ke arah jalan yang dirahmatiNYA.




Here I share with you a video clip on the Quranic verses explaining about how Allah is always the GREATEST to go to during distress times as well as during having pains and suffering.

Let us rely our faithe and trust only in Allah.



Lagu ini pula berkenaan bagaimana seorang jejaka yang menyukai seorang wanita yang di matanya cukup solehah dan menepati ciri-ciri seorang wanita Muslimah yang diimpikannya. Namun dia tidak dapat meluahkan perasaannya kerana belum tiba masa yang sesuai lagi buat mereka berdua. Jejaka ini hanya meminati wanita ini dari kejauhan...... Dia bercita-cita untuk memiliki wanita tersebut dengan cara yang diredhai Allah SWT bila tiba yang sesuai nanti. Dia juga berharap yang wanita tersebut akan turut mempunyai perasaan yang sama seperti dia juga.



Ini pula merupakan sebuah lagu berkenaan cinta sesama insan yang hanya Allah sahaja menentukan segala hala tuju hidup seseorang. Allah Yang Maha Menentukan apa yang terbaik buat setiap hambaNYA.

Indah bait-bait lagu ini.... Harap ia dapat membawa kesedaran kepada kita, Insya Allah.



Betapa indah senikata lagu ini berkenaan bagaimana seorang insan menyerahkan dirinya pada Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa di atas segala kesalahan yang pernah dilakukannya......

Hayatilah senikata lagu ini.... Ia amat menyentuh perasaan.



I know that I have been away for sooooo long. I have been very busy with so many other chores.  So, here I have a video clip on a talk by Aagym a well known Ustaz from Indonesia.

He is talking about how humans differences could be beneficial to one another by respecting each other, looking at people's strengths, appreciating other people's good deeds and always realizing self weaknesses by trying to improve oneself.

Hope this could be a beneficial talk and advice to all of us.


Listen to Quran